
Three going on Thirteen...

Much to Daddy's horror and distaste, I have recently established a love for Disney's High School Musical 2 and its soundtrack. Now Daddy's not a huge Disney fan, but I think he's fine when it stays at cartoon level. However, when we were on holiday in Bali they also showed clips from the Musical and since I got back I get to watch the odd bit of Disney between bath and story time before I go to bed and often they have a video from the film.
Daddy calls it "cheesy American..." and then I don't understand the rest because Mummy tells him to stop swearing in front of me and leave me alone.
Mummy finds it hillarious that I have turned into such a little princess, and I think Daddy's just glad he's got a boy coming any day now. I suppose there's only so much sweet and cheesy even a ponce like my Dad can stand!
Mummy took this clip in my bedroom. Usually I am more vocal and the dance moves a bit swifter, I also use a prop (Camel, Brian or Mickey) to be 'Troy' and duet with... I think I was a little bit shy in front of the camera this time. Enjoy!

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